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The Supplication For Sunday


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

bismi allāhi al-raḥmāni al-raḥīm

In the Name of ALLAH, the All-merciful, the All-compassionate

بِسْمِ اللهِ الَّذِي

بِسْمِ اللهِ الَّذِي لَا يَضُرُّ مَعَ اسْمِهِ شَيْءٌ في الْأَ

In the name of ALLAH,

لاَ أَرْجُو إِلاَّ فَضْلَهُ،

lā ʾarjū ʾillā faḍlahu

from whom I hope for nothing but bounty,

وَلاَ أَخْشَى إلاَّ عَدْلَهُ،

wa lā akhshā illā ʿadlahu

and from whom I fear nothing but justice

وَلا أَعْتَمِدُ إلاَّ قَوْلَهُ،

wa lā aʿtamidu illā qawlahu

I rely only upon His word,

وَلا أَتَمَسَّكُ [اُمْسِكُ خ ل ]إلاَّ بِحَبْلِهِ.

wa lā ʾatamassaku [ʾumsiku kh l] illā bi ḥablih

and I cling only to His cord

بِكَ أَسْتَجِيرُ

bi-ka astajīrُ

In Thee I seek sanctuary

يا ذَا الْعَفْوِ وَالرِّضْوانِ

yā dhal-ʿafwi war-riḍwāni

—O Possessor of pardon and good pleasure—

مِنَ الظُّلْمِ وَالْعُدْوانِ،

minazh-zhulmi wal-ʿudwāni

from wrong and enmity,

وَمِنْ غِيَرِ الزَّمانِ،

wa min ghayri al-zamānِ

from the changes of time

وَتَواتُرِ الاَحْزانِ،

wa tawātur al-aḥzān

and the recurrence of sorrows,

[وَمِنْ طَوارِقِ الْحَدَثَانِ]

wa min ṭawāriqi al-ḥadathan

and from the striking of mishaps

وَمِنِ انْقِضآءِ الْمُدَّةِ قَبْلَ التَّأَهُّبِ وَالْعُدَّةِ.

wa min inqiḍāʾi al-muddati qabla al-taʾahhubi wal-ʿuddati

from the expiration of my term before preparation and readiness.

وَإيَّاكَ أَسْتَرْشِدُ لِما فِيهِ الصَّلاحُ وَالاِصْلاحُ،

wa-iyyāka astarshidu limā fīhi al-ṣalāḥu wa-al-iṣlāḥu

From Thee I seek guidance to that wherein is righteousness and being set right.

وَبِكَ أَسْتَعِينُ فِيما يَقْتَرِنُ بِهِ النَّجاحُ وَالاِنْجاحُ.

wa bika astaʿīnu fīmā yaqtarina bihi al-najāhu wa al-injāhu

From Thee I seek help in that which is linked to success and favorable response.

وَإيَّاكَ أَرْغَبُ فِي لِباسِ الْعافِيَةِ وَتَمامِها، وَشُمُولِ السَّلامَةِ وَدَوامِها،

wa-iyyāka arġabu fī libāsil-ʿāfīyah wa tamāmihā, wa shumūlissalāmati wa dawāmihā

Thee I beseech for the garment of well-being and its completion and for the covering of health and its permanence.

وَأَعُوذُ بِكَ يارَبِّ مِنْ هَمَزاتِ الشَّياطِينِ،

wa aʿūdhu bika yā rabb min hamazāt al-shayātīn

I seek refuge in Thee, my Lord, from the goadings of the SATANs,

وَأَحْتَرِزُ بِسُلْطانِكَ مِنْ جَوْرِ السَّلاطِينِ،

wa'aḥtarizu bisulṭānik[a] min jawri s-salāṭīn[i]

and I seek protection in Thy sovereignty from the injustice of the sovereigns.

فَتَقَبَّلْ ما كانَ مِنْ صَلاتِي وَصَوْمِي،

fataqabbal mā kāna min ṣalātī wa ṣawmī

So accept my past prayers and fasting

واجْعَلْ غدي وَمَا بَعْدَهُ أفَضَلَ من سَاعَتي وَيَوْمِي،

wa-jʿal ghadi wa-mā baʿdahu afḍala min sāʿatay wa-yawmī

and make my tomorrow and what is after better than my present hour and my today!

وَأَعِزَّنِي فِي عَشِيرَتِي وَقَوْمِي،

wa aʿizzanī fī ʿashīratī wa qawmī

Exalt me in my clan and my people

وَاحْفَظْنِي فِي يَقْظَتِي وَنَوْمِي،

wa aḥfaẓnī fī yaqẓatī wa nawmī

and protect me in my waking and my sleeping!

فَأَنْتَ اللَّهُ خَيْرٌ حافِظاً،

faanta allāhu khayrun ḥāfiẓan

For Thou art ALLAH, the Best Guardian,

وَأَنْتَ أَرْحَمُ الرَّاحِمِينَ.

wa anta arḥamu ar-raḥimīn

and Thou art the Most Merciful of the merciful.

أَللَّهُمَّ إنِّي أَبْرَأُ إلَيْكَ

allāhumma innī abra'u ilayka

O ALLAH, I am quit before Thee

فِي يَوْمِي هذا وَ في ما بَعْدَهُ مِنَ الاحادِ مِنَ الشِّرْكَ وَالالْحَادِ،

fī yawmī hādhā wa fī mā baʿdahū min al-aḥādī min al-shirk wa al-alhād

on this day of mine and on all Sundays that follow it of associating others with Thee and of heresy

وَأُخْلِصُ لَكَ دُعآئِي تَعَرُّضَاً لِلاِجابَةِ

wa ʾukhliṣu laka duʿāʾī taʿarruḍan lil-iǧābah

I devote my supplication sincerely to Thee, addressing myself to Thy response.

فَصَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّد وَآلِ مُحَمَّد

faṣalli ʿalā muḥammad wa āli muḥammad

So bless MUHAMMAD and the Household of MUHAMMAD,

خَيْرِ خَلْقِكَ، الدَّاعِي إلَى حَقِّكَ،

khayri khalqika, addaʿi ila haqqika

the best of Thy creation, the summoner to Thy truth,

وَأَعِزَّنِي بِعِزِّكَ الَّذِي لا يُضامُ،

wa a'izzanī bi'izzika alladhī lā yudhām

exalt me with Thy exaltation, which is never made to suffer loss,

وَاحْفَظْنِي بِعَيْنِك الَّتِي لاتَنامُ،

wa'ḥfaẓnī bi'ʿaynik allatī lātanam

protect me with Thy eye, which never sleeps,

وَاخْتِمْ بِالانْقِطَاعِ إلَيْكَ أَمْرِي، وَبِالْمَغْفِرَةِ عُمْرِي،

wa-ikh'tim bil-inqitāʿi ilayka amrī, wa bil-maghfirati ʿumrī

and seal my affair by cutting me off from everything but Thee and my life with forgiveness!

إنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ.

innaka anta al-ghafūr al-raḥīm

Surely Thou art the All-forgiving, the All-compassionate!

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